資料來源: Google Book

The musical guide

This is the first complete English translation and edition of Niedt's Musicalische Handleitung (Musical Guide). The first volume, a treatise on thorough-bass (1700) and the only one generally available at the time, attracted the attention of J.S. Bach who apparently modelled his teaching onit. The second volume (1706), revised and edited in 1721 by the music theorist Johann Mattheson, is on variation and includes a chaconne and two complete suites as models, as well as a dictionary of musical terms, one of the first published in the eighteenth century. The third volume, assembled byMattheson and published in 1721, discusses counterpoint, canon, motets, chorales, recitative style, and cantatas. These volumes, presented here in one volume with an Introduction and Explanatory Notes by Professor Poulin, provide valuable insights into the music, theory, and practice of the earlyeighteenth century.
來源: Google Book