資料來源: Google Book

Elements of criticism

This work became a textbook in rhetoric and belles-lettres - nothing similar has supplanted it since its publication over two hundred years ago. This is a reprint of the eleventh edition, with the author?s last corrections and additions. In the preface the author states that the work "treats of the fine arts, and attempts to form a standard of taste, by unfolding those principles that ought govern the taste of every individual." Of this work, which went through at eleven English editions, several 19th century American editions, an abridgement, and translation into German, Samuel Johnson stated, "this book is a pretty Essay, and deserves to be held in some estimation." Henry Home, Lord Kames (1696-1782), made his name, both in his own time and for posterity, in law, criticism, philosophical history and, to some extent, philosophy. Born in Scotland, he became an advocate (barrister) in 1723, and served as a judge in both the civil and criminal courts. Not only did he achieve the highest judicial offices, but he became a member of the main government boards managing the Scottish economy. Through his influence he obtained university professorships for Adam Smith, John Millar and Thomas Reid.
來源: Google Book