紅太陽的光輝把爐台照亮-- 千年的鐵樹開了花-- 洪湖赤衛隊隨想曲-- 陽光照耀著塔什庫爾幹-- 毛主席的恩情唱不完-- 心中的太陽紅又紅-- 清水江戀歌-- 刀舞-- 我愛祖國的台灣-- 苗嶺的早晨-- 迎來春色換人間(打虎上山) -- 沉思曲.
[disc. 1]. 1. 紅太陽的光輝把爐臺照亮 = The brilliance of the red sun lit up the furnace -- 2. 苗嶺的早晨 = Morning of Miao Mountain -- 3. 心中的太陽紅又紅 = The sun in my heart is so red -- 4. 毛主席的恩情唱不完 = Singing the gratitude to chairman Mao will never end -- 5. 清水江戀歌 = Love song of Qingshui River -- 6. 我愛祖國的臺灣 = I love Taiwan of my motherland -- 7. 刀舞 = Dagger dance -- 8. 陽光照耀着塔什庫爾干 = Sunshine over Tashkuergan -- 9. 迎來春色換人間 = Greeting springtime to change the world.
[disc 2]. Bonus CD. 1. 千年的鐵樹開了花 = Blossom of the thousand-year-old iron tree -- 2. 洪湖赤衛隊隨想曲 = Caprice of Honghu red guards.