附註:Originally released as a motion picture in 2017.
Special features : 原始拍片畫面 : 比莉金進場(無聲音) ; 重燃兩性戰火 ; 比莉金 : 我的冒險 ; 圖檔集錦
摘要:In the wake of the sexual revolution and the rise of the women's movement, the 1973 tennis match between women's world champion Billie Jean King and ex-men's-champ and serial hustler Bobby Riggs became one of the most watched televised sports events of all time, reaching 90 million viewers around the world. As the rivalry between King and Riggs kicked into high gear, off-court each was fighting more personal and complex battles. , 奧斯卡影后艾瑪史東與金獎提名史提夫卡爾以精湛的演出,重新搬演1973的體壇盛事「世紀性別對決」。女子網球排名第一的「世界球后」的比莉珍金(艾瑪史東 飾)與前世界冠軍鮑比里格斯(史提夫卡爾 飾)的世紀大對決。他們在球場上的激烈對決與性別平等的議題,其影響力遠遠超過體壇的界線,而成為當時文化上的現象。 入圍金球獎音樂或喜劇類最佳女主角以及最佳男主角的【勝負反手拍】 充滿了溫暖、幽默以及睿智對白,讓觀眾再次重返現場,重現這場改變歷史的大戰。