謝雪紅,彰化人。出身赤貧,幾成文盲,曾為養女及商人妾。日後卻留學莫斯科,成立台共。二二八時在台中帶領武鬥。然後以台灣民主自治同盟主席身份參與中共建國。謝雪紅的故事曾淹沒在一甲子以來複雜的政治對立和鬥爭中,與時俱變的浪潮亦常在她身上沖刷出不同的色彩。汪其楣以獨角戲的形式,在2010年演出《謝雪紅》。讓這位不平凡的女性站上舞台,為自己的意志及感懷說話。這個台灣戲劇文本已由李耀宗翻譯成英文,2018年由允晨文化以中英對照方式編排出版。希望在台灣或世界任何地方的英語讀者,也能參與台灣當代劇本的閱覽與朗讀,認識這位勇敢、傑出的女性,也聆聽台灣舞台上許多動人的故事。Hsieh Hsueh-hung(17 Oct 1910—5 Nov 1970),leader of the Communist Party of Taiwan in the early years, is the fascinating and admirable character of this play.Inundated by a churning chaos of political opposition and struggle, the ebb and flow of time have had their effect on Hsieh Hsueh-hung, painting her story in many different lights.In Wang Chi-Mei’s one-woman play entitled Hsieh Hsueh-hung, the playwright allows this extraordinary figure to take the stage, speak of her own ideals, and give voice to her own feelings. Produced and performed in Taipei and Tainan in 2010, the script was translated into English, and published with the Chinese version together in 2018, in the hopes that English readers both in Taiwan and elsewhere in the world can learn more about this brave, outstanding, and mercurial woman from Taiwan’s historical and cultural past.
來源: iRead
來源: iRead
來源: iRead
來源: iRead