Descriptive notes and translations of texts in French and English ([15] p., ill.)--in container.
Au nom de Dieu, j'ouvre cette assemblee -- In the name of God, I am opening this gathering (13:24) -- Lorsque Khawaja nous conviera a Ajmir, nous partirons sur le navire de la foi = When Khwaja will invite us to the town of Ajmir, we will go there in the boat of faith (16:33) -- Le chemin qui mene au puits est seme d'embuches = The path to the well is very difficult (16:47) -- O briseur de promesases, ton soir n'est pas encore venu = O breaker of promise, your evening has not yet come (13:52) -- L'amour pour le Prophete nour conduit de neant a la vie = It is the aspiration for the Prophet that brings one from non existence into existence (15:09).