Warning: This film contains flashing images which may be harmful to viewers with photosensitive epilepsy.
Special features include: Cannes interviews with Ruben Östlund, Claes Bang & Elizabeth Moss; Interview with Ruben Östlund; Interview with Claes Bang; Making of; Casting tapes; Slideshow; Trailer; Scene selection.
摘要:A prestigious Stockholm museum's chief art curator finds himself in times of both professional and personal crisis as he attempts to set up a controversial new exhibit. A satirical drama reflecting the times, about the sense of community, moral courage and the affluent person's need for egocentricity in an increasingly uncertain world. , 鬼才名導魯本奧斯倫最狂新作, 沒人性到什麼地步?才能觸及你的人性? , 「廣場是信任與關懷的殿堂, 在裡頭, 我們有同樣的義務與權利.」 當代藝術館上上下下都忙著替即將開幕的新展覽《廣場》添脂抹粉, 希望有機會炒熱特展、一夕爆紅. 但平時瀟灑沉穩、風度翩翩的館長克里斯欽卻有點心不在焉, 因為在每天上班必經、人潮熙來攘往的廣場上, 他的錢包手機被人扒走了. 他一邊構思如何出招揪出扒手, 一邊來要應付過度殷勤的藝文女記者、腦力激盪到有點走火入魔的行銷團隊、附庸風雅但又難搞的捐款貴賓. 隨著開展時間漸漸逼近, 接踵而來的意外搞得日子雞飛狗跳, 眾人心中抓狂指數逐漸升高, 廣場所標榜的新任與關懷也即將崩壞….