附註:"Edition Peters, Nr. 2524."
Scottish, Irish and Welsh songs from WoO 152-157 and op. 108.
Parts for SATB, violin, and violoncello.
Lochnagar (STB)--Schaferlied (Ye shepherds) (STB)--Der treue Johnie (Faithfu' Johnie) (A)--Gluck und Lieb' verloren (Farewell bliss) (TB)--Soldatenlied (The soldier) (B)--Irisch Blut (The pulse of an Irishman) (Bar)--Charlie (Charlie is my darling) (SAB)--O Zaub'rin, leb wohl (Enchantress, farewell) (T)--Wackre Bursche, Hochlandsbursche (Bonnie laddie, highland laddie) (A)--Die Wolfsjagd (The chase of the wolf) [Sion, the son of Evan] (TB)--Ach, durft' ich meinen Patrick frei'n (O might I but my Patrick love) (S)--Lore am Thore (Sally in our alley) (S)--Duncan Gray (STB)