資料來源: Google Book

用設計腦打造生活 =Design your life

Examining such topics as housekeeping, entertaining, parenthood, time management, D.I.Y, and more, shows you how to evaluate the things you use and how to recognize the forms of order that inhabit the messes of everyday life.
來源: Google Book
艾琳‧路佩登(Ellen Lupton)馬里蘭藝術學院平面設計所主任,紐約古柏惠特博物館當代設計部門策展人,曾出版《自己玩設計》(D.I.Y. Design It Yourself)、《字的設計有道理》(Thinking With Type),也是《兒童D.I.Y.》(D.I.Y. Kids)與《新平面設計原理》(Graphic Design: The New Basics)的作者之一。茱莉亞.路佩登(Julia Lupton)加州大學爾灣分校英文教授,亦是該校設計聯盟的創辦人之一,曾出版多部莎士比亞研究著作,也是《兒童D.I.Y.》作者之一。
來源: iRead