資料來源: iRead

排灣族 :巴里的紅眼睛 = Pali's red eyes and other stories from the Paiwan tribe

誰說有文字的民族才留得住故事,原住民用情感、用口傳、用舞蹈,用生命寫台灣歷史!推開排灣族神話與傳說秘境大門,將發現:   「巴里的紅眼睛」故事:善良的巴里生來一對紅眼睛,只要被他盯上就必死無疑,讓敵人十分畏懼;他因不小心誤 傷族人而被迫孤獨生活,並且遭到敵人設下圈套殺害,死後的巴里幻化成紅檳榔,仍舊守 護著他所身愛的排灣族人。 Pali ’s Red Eyes Pali’s eyes were so powerful that they destroyed everything that came into his sight. His friend Balang taught Pali to place thin sheets of bamboo film over his eyes so that their people wouldn’t need to be afraid of being killed by the eyes. If they removed the film, Pali’s red eyes could be used to destroy their enemies. One day a wasp carried away the bamboo sheets and Pali accidentally killed many children. He was exiled and finally his tribe’s enemies found him and killed him. Betel nut trees grew at the place he was buried. The fruit of this tree is a bright red betel nut. When the people of the Paiwan Tribe see a red betel nut they know they are being protected by Pali’s red eyes. 「頭目的故事」故事:人們造舟儲糧且取得火種,逃過洪水災難。不久,大水退去,但缺糧危機卻越來越嚴重, 多虧陶壺所生的人從天洞口取得小米,而他的才智也讓排灣族人折服,並奉他為頭目,從此一切生活開始有秩序。The Chief and Other StoriesThe gods were angry and brought a great flood. One group of people listened to the spirits and built boats to escape the floodwater. Although they were helped by the Black Bulbul who brought them fire and told them where to find land, they still hadn’t enough food! Then they remembered the predictions of the gods that the seeds of the millet plant were waiting in heaven’s cave. It only needed for someone with the courage, bravery and ability to pick them up. This would be a man who was born from a ceramic vessel and who the Paiwan consider to be their leader who brought order to the world. 「盪鞦韆的愛情故事」故事:平民本仍和頭目的女兒露古相愛,但頭目卻百般刁難。最後,本仍通過考驗帶回來雄鷹羽毛、雲豹牙齒、百步蛇紋飾的刀,以及高貴的琉璃珠。於是,露古高高興興的擺盪鞦韆,嫁給本仍了。The Tests of LoveBenaq was of the ordinary class of people. He and Ruku, of the upper class, fell in love, and this posed a big problem for the mazazangiljan, or chief of the village. Could Benaq pass the tests in order to marry Ruku? He did indeed come up with the feathers of an eagle, the tooth of a cloud leopard, the knife with the Hundred Pace Snake design, and crystal beads. From that time on these four items became essential symbols of love according to Paiwan marriage custom. Another part of the wedding ceremony is playing on the swing, which is a way of inviting the gods in heaven to join the festivities. 透過傳神生動的故事,搭配精緻彩繪的圖畫,讓你親近排灣族、更認識台灣!
來源: iRead
總策劃:孫大川(東華大學原住民民族學院民族發展所所長、原住民委員會前副主委;卑南族) 故事採集:亞榮隆‧撒可努(原住民作家及文史工作者、保一總隊警員;排灣族) 繪圖:見維巴里(自然藝術工作者) 英文譯者:文魯彬(博仲法律事務所合夥律師、輔仁大學翻譯研究所副教授;美國人)
來源: iRead