附註:On verso of title page: D. Shostakovich, collected works in forty-two volumes.
Pl. no. : 10889.
1, Incidental music to the film "Alone", soch.26--2, Suite from the music to the film "Golden mountains", soch.30a--3, Three excerpts from the music to the film "The counterplan"(Turbine-50,000), soch.33--4, Prologue from the film "Maxim's youth" (The Bolshevik), soch.41--5, Incidental music to the film "Volochayevka days" (The far east, the intervention in the far east), soch.48--6, Overture from the music to the film "Vyborg district", soch.50--7, Incidental music to the film "Man at Arms" )Novermber), soch.53--8, Funeral march from the music to the film "The great citizen" (part two), soch.55--9, Music to the cartoon film "Stupid little mouse", soch.56--10, Incidental music to the film "Korzinkina's adventure" (A ticket to zone five), soch.59--11, Incidental music to the film "Zoya" (Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, who is she?), soch.64.