Des Knaben Wunderhorn :Lieder fur eine Singstimme mit Orchesterbegleitung = The youth's magic horn : songs for a solo voice with orchestra = Le cor magique : chansons pour voix seule avec orchestre
附註:For high voice and orchestra.
English and German words ; English version by Addie Funk.
Texts compiled by Ludwig Achim von Arnim.
Preface in German, English, and French.
"The 'Songs from the Youth's Magic Horn' were ... completely published for the first time in 1970."
v. 1. Der Schildwache Nachtlied = Sentinel's night song--Verlorne Muh' = Labour lost--Trost im Ungluck = Solace in sorrow--Wer hat dies Liedlein erdacht? = Up there on the hill--Das irdische Leben = Earthly life--Revelge = The dead drummer. v. 2. Des Antonius von Padua Fischpredigt = Antonius of Padua's fish sermon--Rheinlegendchen = Rhine legend--Lied des Verfolgten im Turm = Song of the prisoner in the tower--Wo die schonen Trompeten blasen = Where the shining trumpets are blowing--Lob des hohen Verstands = Praise of lofty intellect--Der Tamboursg'sell = The drummer boy.