A platonic romance between a librarian and a teenage boy. The boy is James, who suffers from giantism--never stops growing--while she is Peggy, a spinster 14 years his senior. During their 10-year relationship she redoes a house and a car to fit him. Only when he dies is there sex--with his father.
來源: Google Book
來源: Google Book
伊麗莎白.麥克萊肯伊麗莎白.麥克萊肯的《Here''s Your Hat What''s Your Hurry》曾入選一九九四年美國文學協會知名選集。她曾獲得米契納基會、普拉汶斯鎮精緻藝術品中心,以及國家藝術基金的贊助。『巨人屋』是她的第一本小說,內容描寫圖書館理員佩姬與患了巨人症的男孩吉姆一段若有似無,柏拉圖式的戀情。本書入選文壞最高榮譽『美國國家書獎』的決選名單,作者也因此書而榮獲全美最大連鎖書店『巴恩斯與諾伯』舉辦的年度最佳小說新人獎。她現居住在麻薩諸塞州,原本是全職的圖書館管理員,目前正在撰寫她的第二本小說。
來源: iRead
來源: iRead