資料來源: iRead

When summer comes

類型:Human interest(人物故事)Stephen 與 Anna Martins 是倫敦都會中的標準上班族,每天都生活在壓力之中。當假期來臨,他們決定逃離都市,到悠閒的海邊小鎮度假,享受沒有壓力的放鬆時光,並且可以好好珍惜兩人好難得相聚的日子。到了小鎮,他們認識了一個當地漁夫,很快地成為倆人的新朋友。此時Stephen卻突然被公司召回,留下Anna獨自度假,但他們的人生卻因為這位新朋友的出現而有全然的改變……A hot summer and a holiday by the sea: Stephen and Anna Martins are escaping their stressful lives in London, and taking a holiday in the south-west of England. They make friends with a local fisherman, but when Stephen is called back to London for work, Anna is left alone for a few days. And then something happens which changes their lives for ever.
來源: iRead