附註:內容: 1, 福地 = The first day : the blessed place (4:54) --2, 懺悔日 = The second day : repentance day (5:11) --3, 誘惑之舞 = The third day : dance of seduction (6:19) --4, 手心裡絶望的花 = The fourth day : a desperate flower in your hand (4:58) --5, 綠草原深處的黃昏 = The fifth day : the dusk in the deep green prairie (3:04) --6, 奴隸們 = The sixth day : slaves (4:11) --7, 摹仿劇場 = The seventh day : mirror theater (4:29) --8, 洪水 = The eighth day : the flood (3:07) --9, 守護 = The ninth day : wake (4:09) --10, 循回 = The tenth day : reincarnation (3:57)