資料來源: iRead

Little Bear's friend

Once again the little bear of Else Minarik and Maurice Sendak (illustrator) proves himself to be as wistful and tender a little creature as exists in the child''s library. In this episode, little bear makes friends with a child named Emily. With their friends, a duck, a cat, an owl, and a hen, they play all through the happy summer. Even when Emily''s doll breaks an arm the pleasure the group finds in each other''s company is not diminished. Only the departure of Emily brings tears to Little Bear who is consoled by his mother with his thought that, at least, he can write to her. Pathetic fallacies abound here, but somehow in the hands of this author-illustrator team, they merely compound the charm of the story. (Kirkus Reviews) --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
來源: iRead
Else Holmelund Minarik first introduced readers to her timeless character in the classic Little Bear. Publication of this book, with illustrations by Maurice Sendak, launched the I Can Read series. This much-loved author continues to write stories for children at her home in North Carolina.
來源: iRead