資料來源: Google Book

Encyclopedia of deserts

  • 其他作者: Mares, Michael A. , Oklahoma Museum of Natural History (Norman, Okla.)
  • 出版: Norman : University of Oklahoma Press ©1999.
  • 稽核項: 1 online resource (xxxvii, 654 pages) :illustrations, maps.
  • 標題: Deserts , Encyclopedias. , Encyclopédies. , Déserts Dictionnaires anglais. , Déserts , Reference works. , Deserts. , Déserts Encyclopédies. , Earth SciencesGeography. , Wüste , Ökosystem , Deserts Encyclopedias. , Arid regions. , Woestijnen. , Régions arides Encyclopédies. , SCIENCE , Régions arides Dictionnaires anglais. , Electronic encyclopedias. , SCIENCE Earth Sciences -- Geography. , Electronic books. , Arid regions Encyclopedias. , Dictionnaires anglais. , Régions arides , Arid regions
  • ISBN: 0806172290 , 9780806172293
  • ISBN: 0806131462
  • 試查全文@TNUA:
  • 附註: "Published in collaboration with the Oklahoma Museum of Natural History, University of Oklahoma." Includes bibliographical references and index. An Introduction to Deserts -- Aardvark -- Aardwolf -- Aborigines -- Acacia -- Activity Cycles, Animals -- Activity Cycles, Plants (Phenology) -- Addax -- Adder -- Adiabatic Processes -- Adobe -- Adventitious Roots -- Aeolian Deposits -- Aeolian Erosion -- Aestivation -- Afghanistan, Deserts of -- Africa, Deserts of -- African Lion -- Agave -- Agriculturalists -- Agriculture in Deserts -- Aia-Shan-Gobi Desert -- Algae -- Algarrobo -- Alluvial Fan -- Alluvial Soils -- Altiplano -- Amphibians -- Andean Grasslands (Andean Steppes) -- Andes -- Animal Adaptations -- Annual Plants -- Antarctic Desert -- Antelope -- Anticyclone -- Antlions -- Ants -- Anza-Borrego Desert -- Apache -- Aquatic Habitats -- Aquifer -- Arabian Desert -- Arabian Gulf, Deserts of -- Arabs -- Arachnids -- Arctic Desert -- Arenosol -- Argali -- Argentina, Deserts of -- Aridity -- Aridity Index -- Aridosol -- Arid Zones Defined -- Arizona Desert -- Arkosic Sand -- Armadillo -- Arrowweed -- Arroyo -- Artemisia -- Artesian Basin -- Artesian Water -- Artesian Well -- Arthropods -- Asia, Deserts of -- Asphalt -- Ass -- Aswan -- Atacama Desert -- Atlas Brown Cattle -- Atmospheric Circulation -- Australia, Deserts of -- Awassi Sheep -- Babbler -- Baboon -- Bacteria -- Badger -- Badlands -- Bagworms -- Baja California, Deserts of -- Bajada -- Barbary Deer -- Barbary Lion -- Barbary Partridge -- Barbary Sheep -- Barchan (Barkhan) Dune -- Barometric Pressure(Atmospheric Pressure) -- Basin and Range Topography -- Bat -- Beargrass -- Bedouins -- Bees -- Beetles -- Benguela Current -- Big Bend National Park -- Bighorn Sheep -- Bilharzia -- Biodiversity -- Biome -- Biosphere Reserve. Bipedality -- Birds -- Birds of Prey -- Blackbuck -- Black Widow Spider -- Bobcat -- Body Temperature -- Bolivia, Deserts of -- Bolsón -- Bonneville -- Boojum -- Borrego Desert -- Brackish Water -- Brazil, Semidesert -- Breeding Season -- Brittlebush -- Bromeliads -- Bugs -- Bulbs -- Bulbuls -- Burro -- Burrowing Animals -- Bushmen -- Bustard -- Butterflies -- Buzzard -- C3 Plants -- C4 Plants -- Caatinga -- Cactaceae -- Cacti -- Cactus, Columnar -- Calcareous Soils -- Calciferous Hardpan -- Calcrete -- Caliche -- California Desert -- Camel -- Camel's Hump -- Camel Spider -- Camels, South American -- Cam Plants -- Caracal -- Caracara -- Carbonates -- Cardón -- Carnivores -- Carrion Eaters -- Carrying Capacity -- Catclaw -- Caterpillars -- Cats -- Cavy -- Cenozoic -- Centipede, Giant -- Cerastes -- Chaco -- Chaparral -- Cheetah -- Chenopodes -- Chenopodiaceae -- Chihuahuan Desert -- Chile, Deserts of -- Chinook -- Cholla -- Chuckwalla -- Cicada -- Cities in Deserts -- Clay -- Climate -- Climate Classification -- Clothing -- Clouds -- Coastal Deserts -- Coati -- Cobra -- Cochise -- Colluvial Deposits (Colluvium) -- Colorado Desert -- Colorado River -- Coloration -- Condor -- Conservation in Deserts -- Contamination -- Continental Drift -- Convective Storm -- Convergent Evolution -- Coral Snake -- Cottonwood -- Countercurrent Heat Exchange -- Countershading -- Coyote -- Creosote Bush -- Crepuscular -- Cretaceous -- Crotalus -- Crow -- Crypsis -- Cryptogams -- Cycles -- Cyclone -- Cynomys -- Dam -- Darcy's Law -- Dassie Rat -- Dead Sea -- Death Valley -- Decomposition -- Deep Canyon Desert -- Deer -- Defensive Adaptations, Animals. Dehydration -- Desert Bloom -- Desert Broom -- Desert Distribution -- Desert Formation -- Desert Grassland -- Desertification -- Desert Patina -- Desert Pavement -- Desert Peoples -- Desert Slopes -- Deserts -- Deserts, Coastal -- Deserts, Cold -- Deserts, Hot -- Deserts, Montane -- Deserts, Polar -- Deserts, Rain Shadow -- Deserts, Subtropical -- Deserts, Temperate -- Desiccation -- Desiccation-Resistant Species -- Devil's Claw -- Dew -- Diet -- Dik-Dik -- Dingo -- Dirt Bikes -- Distribution of Deserts -- Diversity -- Dog, Wild -- Domestic Animals -- Donkey -- Dormancy -- Dove -- Drainage -- Drinking Water -- Drought -- Dune Buggies -- Dunes -- Dunes, Lunette -- Dunes, Nabkha -- Duricrusts -- Dust Devil -- Dust Storm -- Ears -- Earwigs -- Echidna -- Ecology -- Economic Value of Desert Products -- Ecosystem -- Ecotype -- Ectothermy -- Eland -- Elephant -- El Niño -- Emu -- Endemism -- Endothermy -- Energy Flow -- Eocene -- Ephemeral Plants -- Epiphytes -- Erg (Sand Sea) -- Estivation -- Ethiopia, Deserts of -- Euphorbiaceae -- Euphrates -- Evaporation -- Evolution, Convergent -- Evolution, Parallel -- Excretory System -- Explosive Heat Death -- Extreme Deserts -- Feathers -- Feldspar -- Fennec -- Ferret -- Field Capacity of Soils -- Finch -- Fire -- Fishes -- Flamingo -- Flicker -- Flies -- Floodplain -- Flowers -- Fluvisol -- Foam Nest -- Foehn -- Fog Desert -- Forest -- Fossils -- Fossorial Animals -- Fox -- Frogs -- Fruits -- Fungi -- Fynbos. Gazelle -- Gecko -- Gemsbok -- Genet -- Gerbil -- Gerenuk -- Germination -- Geronimo -- Gibber Plains -- Gila Monster -- Gila Woodpecker -- Giraffe -- Glacial Periods -- Goat -- Gobabeb -- Gobi Desert -- Gopher -- Gourds. Grand Canyon -- Granivory -- Grasses -- Grasshopper Mouse -- Grasshoppers -- Grassland -- Gravel Desert -- Gray Gull -- Grazing -- Greasewood -- Great American Desert -- Great Basin Desert -- Great Kavir -- Great Sandy Desert -- Great Victoria Desert -- Grooming -- Ground Squirrel -- Groundwater -- Growing Season -- Guajira -- Guanaco -- Guayule -- Guinea Fowl -- Gully -- Gum Arabic Tree -- Gundi -- Gypsum -- Habitat Degradation -- Haboob -- Hadza -- Hail -- Haloclastic Weathering -- Halophytes -- Hamada -- Hamster -- Hardpan -- Hare -- Hartebeest -- Hawk -- Hawkmoth -- Heat -- Heat Balance -- Heat Exchange -- Heat Stress -- Heatstroke -- Hedgehog -- Herbivory -- Herbs -- Heron -- Heteromyids -- Hibernation -- Himalaya Mountains -- Hohokam -- Holdridge Life Zones -- Holocene -- Hopi -- Hornbill -- Horned Lizard (Horned Toad) -- Howling -- Huemul -- Human Physiology in Deserts -- Humboldt Current -- Humidity -- Hummingbird -- Humus -- Hunter-Gatherers -- Hydrological Cycle -- Hydrology -- Hyena -- Hymenoptera -- Hyperthermia -- Hypothermia -- Hyrax -- Ibex -- Ibis -- Ibp -- Iguana, Desert -- India, Deserts of -- Indo-Pakistan Deserts -- Indus River -- Insecticides -- Insects -- Inselberg -- Insolation -- Insulation -- Interglacials -- International Biological Program -- Iran, Deserts of -- Iraq, Deserts of -- Ironwood -- Irrigation Drainage -- Isohyet -- Israel, Deserts of -- Jackal -- Jackrabbit -- Jaguar -- Jeddah -- Jerboa -- Jojoba -- Jordan, Deserts of -- Jornada Del Muerto -- Joshua Tree -- Joshua Tree National Park -- Kalahari Desert -- Kangaroo -- Kangaroo Mouse -- Kangaroo Rat -- Karakum Desert -- Karoo -- Kavir -- Kazakhstan -- Kidney Function. Desert Rodents -- Kidneys -- Klipspringer -- Kochur -- Kopje -- Kudu --!Kung Bushmen -- Kuwait, Desert of -- Lakes, Pluvial -- Landscape -- Lark -- Lava -- Leaching -- Leaves -- Lebanon, Deserts of -- Legumes -- Libya, Deserts of -- Lichens -- Life History Strategy (Iteroparity) -- Limestone -- Lion -- Lithosol -- Lithosphere -- Litter -- Livestock -- Lizards -- Llano Estacado -- Locomotion -- Locoweed -- Locusts -- Loess -- Low Pressure -- Lunette -- Lynx -- Madagascar (Malagasy Republic) -- Madagascar, Deserts of -- Madro-Tertiary Geoflora -- Malagasy Republic -- Mallee -- Malleefowl -- Malpais -- Mammals -- Mara -- Marsupials -- Mecca -- Meerkat -- Melanin -- Mesa -- Mesquite -- Metabolic Water -- Metabolism -- Metamorphosis -- Mexico, Deserts of -- Mice -- Microhabitat -- Microphylly -- Midden -- Middle East, Deserts of -- Millipedes -- Minerals -- Miocene -- Mistletoe -- Mockingbird -- Mohave Desert -- Moisture Index -- Mojave Desert -- Mole, Golden -- Mole Rat -- Molt -- Mongols -- Mongoose -- Monkeys in Deserts -- Monsoon -- Montana Desert -- Montane Deserts -- Monte Desert -- Monument Valley -- Mosquitoes -- Mosses -- Moths -- Mouflon Sheep -- Mousebird -- Movies in Deserts -- Nabkha -- Namibia, Deserts of -- Natufians -- Navajo (Dine'é) -- Negev Desert -- Neogene -- Nests, Bird -- Nevada Desert -- New Mexico Desert -- Niche -- Nightjar -- Nile River -- Nitrogen-Fixing Plants -- Nocturnal -- Nomads -- Nullarbor Plain -- Nutrients -- Nyala -- Oasis -- Ocean Currents -- Ocotillo -- Off-Road Vehicles -- Oil in Deserts -- Oligocene -- Omnivory -- O'odham -- Oregon Desert -- Organ Pipe Cactus -- Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument -- Orioles -- Oryx. Osmotic Potential -- Ostrich -- Ovenbird -- Overgrazing -- Owl -- Packrat -- Painted Desert -- Paiute -- Pakistan, Deserts of -- Paleocene -- Paleoclimate -- Palestine, Deserts of -- Palms -- Paloverde -- Pamir Desert -- Pampas -- Pan -- Pangolin -- Papago -- Parallel Evolution -- Parrot -- Pastoralists -- Patagonia -- Patagonian "Hare" -- Pathogens -- Pebble Desert -- Peccary -- Pedocal -- Penguin -- Perennial Plants -- Permian -- Persian Desert -- Perspiration -- Peru, Deserts of -- Pesticides -- Photosynthesis -- Phreatophytes -- Physiology -- Pigeon -- Pigment -- Pika -- Pima -- Pinnae -- Pit Viper -- Plague -- Plant Adaptations -- Plant Cover -- Plant Dispersal by Wind -- (Anemochory) -- Plant Geography -- Plant Roots, Adventitious -- Plants -- Plate Tectonics -- Playa -- Pleistocene -- Pliocene -- Pocket Mouse -- Podsol -- Poisonous Animals -- Polar Deserts -- Pollination -- Pollution -- Polygon -- Poppy -- Porcupine -- Potash -- Prairie -- Prairie Dog -- Precambrian -- Precipitation -- Predation -- Prevailing Westerlies -- Prickly Pear -- Primary Productivity -- Productivity, Aquatic Ecosystems -- Pronghorn -- Prosopis -- Psammomys -- Psammophytes -- Psammophytic Scrub -- Puma -- Puna -- Quail -- Quaternary -- Quokka -- Rabbit -- Rainfall -- Rain Shadow Deserts -- Rajasthan Desert -- Raptors -- Rattlesnake -- Raven -- Recent (Holocene) -- Red Velvet Mite -- Relative Humidity -- Religion in Deserts -- Renal Papilla -- Reproduction -- Reptiles -- Respiratory Water Loss -- Resurrection Plant -- Rhea -- Rhinoceros -- Ringtail -- Rio Grande -- Riparian Communities -- Rivers -- Roadrunner -- Roaring Forties -- Rock Varnish -- Rodents -- Roots -- Runoff. Russian Deserts -- Sabkha -- Sagebrush -- Saguaro -- Sahara Desert -- Sahel -- Saint Catherine's Monastery -- Salina -- Salinity -- Salinization -- Salt -- Salt Balance -- Saltbush -- Salt Cedar -- Salt Crust -- Salt Desert -- Salt Pan -- Salt Polygon -- Sand Bathing -- Sand Devil -- Sandgrouse -- Sand Ramp -- Sand Rat -- Sandstone -- Santa Ana Winds -- Saudi Arabia, Deserts of -- Savanna -- Scavengers -- Scorpions -- Sea Lion -- Seal -- Sechura Desert -- Sedimentation -- Seed Dispersal By Animals (Zoochory) -- Seeds -- Semiarid Zones -- Semidesert -- Serval -- Sheep -- Shivering -- Shoshoni -- Shrew -- Shrike -- Shrimp, Desert -- Shrubs -- Siberia, Deserts of -- Sidewinder -- Silt -- Sinai -- Sind Desert -- Sistan Desert -- Snakes -- Snow -- Sodium -- Soils, Desert -- Soils, Desert, Arenosol -- Soils, Desert, Aridisol -- Soils, Desert, Arkosic Sand -- Soils, Desert, Calcareous -- Soils, Desert, Calcrete -- Soils, Desert, Caliche -- Soils, Desert, Clay -- Soils, Desert, Fluvisol -- Soils, Desert, Lithosol -- Soils, Desert, Loess -- Soils, Desert, Pedocal -- Soils, Desert, Podsol -- Soils, Desert, Silt -- Soil Taxonomy -- Solar Radiation -- Sonoran Desert -- South Africa, Deserts of -- South America, Deserts of -- Spadefoot Toad -- Spain, Deserts of -- Sparrows -- Speciation -- Spider, Black Widow -- Spiders -- Springbok -- Springhare -- Squirrel -- Star Dune -- Steppe -- Stoma -- Stone Pavement -- Stork -- Subtropical Deserts -- Succession -- Succulents -- Sunburn -- Sunshine -- Sun Spider -- Sunstroke -- Survival in Deserts -- Sweat -- Sweat Glands -- Swift -- Syria, Deserts of -- Tadpoles -- Tail Loss -- Takla Makan Desert. Tamarisk -- Tapaculo -- Tarantula -- Tarim Basin -- Temperature in Deserts -- Tenebrionidae -- Termites -- Tertiary -- Texas Desert -- Thar Desert -- Thermals -- Thermoregulation -- Thorn -- Thorn Forest -- Thornthwaite Moisture Index -- Ticks -- Tigris-Euphrates -- Tinamou -- Toads -- Torpor -- Tortoise -- Trade Winds -- Transhumance -- Transpiration -- Tsaidam Desert -- Tucu-tuco -- Tularosa Basin -- Tumbleweed -- Turanian Desert -- Turkestan Desert -- Tympanic Bullae -- Ungulates -- United Arab Emirates, Deserts of -- United States, Deserts of -- Uric Acid -- Urine -- Utah Desert -- Ute -- Van't Hoff Effect -- Velvet Ant -- Venom -- Vicuña -- Vole -- Vulture -- Wadi -- Warning Coloration -- Warthog -- Washington Desert -- Wasps -- Water -- Water Balance -- Water Hole -- Water of Retention -- Water Potential -- Water Quality -- Water Relations -- Water Stress -- Water Table -- Waxbill -- Weasel -- Weathering, Desert -- Weaver -- Well -- Welwitschia -- White Sands National Monument -- Wildlife -- Wind -- Wind Erosion -- Woodpeckers -- Woodrat -- Wren -- Xenophytes -- Xerophyllous Forest -- Xerophytes -- Yardang -- Yemen, Deserts of -- Yucca -- Yuma Desert -- Zebra -- Zebu Cattle -- Zonda.
  • 摘要: Encyclopedia of Deserts represents a milestone: it is the first comprehensive reference to the deserts and semideserts of the world. Approximately 700 entries treat subjects ranging from desert survival to the way deserts are formed. Topics include biology (birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, fishes, invertebrates, plants, bacteria, physiology, evolution), geography, climatology, geology, hydrology, anthropology, and history. The thirty-seven contributors, including volume editor Michael A. Mares, have had extensive careers in desert research, encompassing all of the world's arid and semiarid regions. , The Encyclopedia opens with a subject list by topic, an organizational guide that helps the reader grasp interrelationships and complexities in desert systems. Each entry concludes with cross references to other entries in the volume, inviting the reader to embark on a personal expedition into fascinating, previously unknown terrain. In addition a list of important readings facilitates in-depth study of each topic. An exhaustive index permits quick access to places, topics, and taxonomic listings of all plants and animals discussed. , More than one hundred photographs, drawings, and maps enhance our appreciation of the remarkable life, landforms, history, and challenges of the world's arid lands.
  • 電子資源: https://dbs.tnua.edu.tw/login?url=https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&scope=site&db=nlebk&AN=15791
  • 系統號: 005284745
  • 資料類型: 電子書
  • 讀者標籤: 需登入
  • 引用網址: 複製連結
Encyclopedia of Deserts represents a milestone: it is the first comprehensive reference to the first comprehensive reference to deserts and semideserts of the world. Approximately seven hundred entries treat subjects ranging from desert survival to the way deserts are formed. Topics include biology (birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, fishes, invertebrates, plants, bacteria, physiology, evolution), geography, climatology, geology, hydrology, anthropology, and history. The thirty-seven contributors, including volume editor Michael A. Mares, have had extensive careers in deserts research, encompassing all of the world’s arid and semiarid regions. The Encyclopedia opens with a subject list by topic, an organizational guide that helps the reader grasp interrelationships and complexities in desert systems. Each entry concludes with cross-references to other entries in the volume, inviting the reader to embark on a personal expedition into fascinating, previously unknown terrain. In addition a list of important readings facilitates in-depth study of each topic. An exhaustive index permits quick access to places, topics, and taxonomic listings of all plants and animals discussed. More than one hundred photographs, drawings, and maps enhance our appreciation of the remarkable life, landforms, history, and challenges of the world’s arid land.
來源: Google Book