附註:A Revision of the author's thesis (doctoral)--1994.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 198-209) and index.
1. Culture-oriented translation studies. Culture-bound translation problems. Allusions -- Culture bumps? the concept of allusion -- 2. Translational issues. Translation as communication. The translator as competent reader and responsible text producer. The invisible target text audience. The concept of translation strategy -- 3. Analysis: hide and seek. Functions of allusions. Forms of allusions. The recognisability of allusions. Sources of allusions -- 4. Problem-solving: theory and practice. Potential strategies for allusions. Translator attitudes and comments on strategies. Reverbalisation: realisations of strategies. Problem-solving in practice: choosing from a wide range of strategies.
摘要:Reader-response tests, which treat the use of allusions as one type of problem, and interviews with professional translators highlight the difficulty in conveying the function and meaning of allusive passages to readers in another culture.