資料來源: Google Book

East Asia's trade and investment :regional and global gains from liberalization.

World Bank Technical Paper 249. These papers from a World Bank-sponsored seminar address two timely issues: water policy and water markets. The Bank has emphasized that water must be treated as an economic and social good. From a management viewpoint, countries should explore the efficient allocation of water through the use of pricing. Although pricing through markets has existed for some time, the use of these markets has not been widespread. This volume covers the traditional fields in water management. Section I discusses water policy in the Middle East, North Africa, and China's Yellow River Basin. The second section reviews the Bank's experience with irrigation and drainage and the attitudes of water resources professionals toward problems in this area. The final section targets the general aspects of water markets with case studies from Chile, Mexico, Spain, and the United States. The suitability of markets for Central Asia and the Indo- Gangetic basin is also examined.
來源: Google Book