附註:1. The Crime Problem: Theory and Evidence. Seductions and Repulsions of Crime / Jack Katz. Facts a Theory of Crime Ought to Fit / John Braithwaite. Causes of Violence / John Monahan. Malign Neglect / Michael Tonry. What to Do about Crime / James Q. Wilson -- 2. Crime and Punishment. Punishment / Kent Greenawalt. An Economic Theory of the Criminal Law / Richard Posner. The Nature of a Theory of the Criminal Law / Michael S. Moore. A Taxonomy of Purposes of Punishment / Michael S. Moore. An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation / Jeremy Bentham. The Argument for Retributivism / Michael S. Moore. The Metaphysical Elements of Justice / Immanuel Kant. Persons and Punishment / Herbert Morris. The Moral Worth of Retribution / Michael S. Moore. The Crime of Punishment / Karl Menninger. Beyond Freedom and Dignity / B.F. Skinner. The Humanitarian Theory of Punishment / C.S. Lewis. Punishment and Responsibility / H.L.A. Hart. Harm to Others / Joel Feinberg. Offense to Others / Joel Feinberg. Paternalism / Gerald Dworkin. Harmless Wrongdoing / Joel Feinberg. A Theory of Criminal Law Theories / Michael S. Moore -- 3. Principal Liability. The Criminal Law and the Luck of the Draw / Sanford H. Kadish. The Independent Moral Significance of Wrongdoing / Michael S. Moore. Crimes of Omission / Leo Katz. Interfering / Shelly Kagan. Act and Crime / Michael S. Moore. Causation in the Law / H.L.A. Hart and A.M. Honore. The Principle of Legality / Michael S. Moore. Legality, Vagueness, and the Construction of Penal Statutes / John Jeffries. The Explanation of Human Action / Alexander Rosenberg. H.L.A. Hart and the Doctrines of Mens Rea and Criminal Responsibility / Richard A. Wasserstrom -- 4. The General Part: Accomplice, Attempt, and Conspiracy Liability. Aid and Comfort / Leo Katz. Complicity, Cause, and Blame: A Study in the Interpretation of Doctrine / Sanford H. Kadish. The Theory of Derivative Liability / George Fletcher. Constructing a Theory of Impossible Att