附註:"A Bread Loaf anthology"--Page ii.
What makes the grizzlies dance ; Glory monster ; Woodpecker ; Approaching August ; Golden-mantled ground squirrel / Sandra Alcosser -- First Relations ; Antichromatic / Pamela Alexander -- On a hill above your house ; Cows / Julia Alvarez -- Standing light up ; Looking way off ; Somers Point ; First cold ; White echo / A.R. Ammons -- Sex ; The yard ; The deer / David Baker -- Idyll ; The back yard ; Ocean / Peter Balakian -- An old trembling ; Eastern Long Island ; Nature ; Pulsations ; Further pulsations / Marvin Bell -- Ritual / Stephen Berg -- From "Sabbaths" / Wendell Berry -- Deep ecology ; Cherries ; The geologist ; Meditation on politics at the Quabbin Reservoir / Michael Blumenthal -- Navigation ; March again ; Seasons / Philip Booth -- Rain/light ; Autumn's end ; Sycamore Canyon nocturne ; Early morning, Ucross, Wyoming / Christopher Buckley -- A season for hunting ; A promise / Teresa Cader -- Green ; North fork ; Seed ; Shorebirds in seasonal plumage observed through binoculars / Amy Clampitt -- The chameleon ; Cultivator ; Why there are no unicorns / Judith Ortiz Cofer -- Seneca Street ; Consider the garden ; Landscape / Michael Collier -- I stand beneath the mountain with an illiterate heart ; This is a blessing, this is a curse ; There is an error at the heart of desire / Chard DeNiord -- Spring ; Tune-up / Carl Dennis -- Rusks ; Dissolve ; The great piece of turf / Rita Dove
Drizzle ; Nature poem ; Too young to know / Cornelius Eady -- Garden ; In March ; Meadow ; Walking to Cootehill ; Landslide / John Engels -- Refusal ; Being ; Sexual jealousy ; Papilio / Carol Frost -- A little heart to heart with the horizon ; A.M.: the hopeful monster / Alice Fulton -- Becoming a redwood ; Rough country / Dana Gioia -- Lion of God in Vermont in May ; Curious experiments / Pamela White Hadas -- Surface ; Pluvia ; "Winter's asperity mollifies ..." ; "Mount Kearsarge shines ..." / Donald Hall -- The approach ; Annuals / Daniel Halpern -- Wolf warrior / Joy Harjo -- After all ; We are made ; House is empty now ; A crack inside my breast / Juan Felipe Herrera -- Grace ; Fur ; Canary ; Wish / William Heyen -- Summer surprised us ; In the midwest ; First snowfall: intimations / Edward Hirsch -- The Bering Bridge / Roald Hoffmann -- Face up ; September: Nederland, Colorado / Jonathan Holden -- Stomping with Pettit on the Battenkill / Garrett Kaoru Hongo -- The snow monkey argues with God ; Inside the hummingbird aviary ; Perspective ; Visit of the hawk / David Huddle -- The other day ; For a long time I have wanted to write a happy poem / Richard Jackson -- Wave ; Chimney swifts / Mark Jarman -- Invitation to a ghost / Donald Justice
Millenary ; Lens ; Concrete delivery by Goose & Gosling Crossing, late March, Mallett's Bay / Richard Kenney -- October, Yellowstone Park / Maxine Kumin -- The fish pond ; Prospect ; Paternity / Sydney Lea -- Greenhouses and gardens ; On the nature of desire / David Lehman -- Autumn bees on broccoli blossoms gone-by ; On the way to the sitter's ; Kicking and breathing / Gary Margolis -- Landscape with dog ; Shadow Portrait ; Moonrise as abstraction ; Mountain view with figures ; Variations on a theme by Justice / Paul Mariani -- Reflections after a dry spell ; What the dark proposes / Charles Martin -- Names ; The bear at the dump ; The dogs of Montone ; Sentence ; The rented house in Maine / William Matthews -- Chott ; Late night ode / J.D. McClatchy -- Day lilies: instructions and an elegy ; The bees / Christopher Merrill -- Understanding the universe ; The mouse / John Frederick Nims -- Adirondack return ; Protecting the children from hurricanes ; Bluegrass / Jean Nordhaus
The cedar waxwing ; The radioactive ball / Carole Simmons Oles -- Dark prayer ; The gray fox ; The cliff ; Meadow in spring / Gregory Orr -- Watchers ; It would have been enough ; Bounty ; Fathering the map ; Mountain ash without cedar waxwings / Robert Pack -- Mizzle ; Some compensation ; Bliss ; Belonging ; Stars falling / Jay Parini -- The birds ; Hardwood ; Beall Mountain Seasonal / Linda Pastan -- The city dark ; In Berkeley ; "Everywhere I go, there I am" / Robert Pinsky -- Dove ; In answer to Amy's question what's a pickerel ; Dusk coming on outside -- , New York ; Human excrement / Stanley Plumly -- The offset ; Haying ; The elbow tree / Wyatt Prunty -- For Barbara, who brings a green stone in the shape of a triangle ; Teaching, hurt / Hilda Raz
In the bog behind my house ; I join the sparrows ; Red tail sonnet ; On the job ; Birches, revisited: October / Ira Sadofff -- The dairy cows of Maria Christina Cortes ; Of haloes & saintly aspects ; Still life with minnows ; Augury / Sherod Santos -- Sawdust / Jane Shore -- Slug ; Turtles ; Silverfish / Robert Siegel -- Shame / Tom Sleigh -- The egret tree ; Out whistling ; Fieldswirl, October ; Pulling a pig's tail ; Moles in spring / Dave Smith -- Night song of the Los Angeles Basin ; Raven's Beak River at the end / Gary Snyder -- A last warm day ; A shared life / Katherine Soniat -- The magic broom ; The waves / Marcia Southwick -- Gaea ; Entering a wilderness area ; Spirit of place: great blue heron ; Kolob Canyon / William Stafford -- Birthday ; Ducks are for our happiness ; Bitter thoughts / Gerald Stern -- Salter's Gate ; Cold ; Level Cambridgeshire ; Painting it in / Anne Stevenson -- Here / Mark Strand -- Desolation ; Palm reader ; Figure on the edge ; Rumination / Dabney Stuart
Florilegium ; Resurrection at West Lake ; Reading the signs ; Near dawn / Eric Trethewey -- Ghost birches ; Dirt ; The immortal pilots ; Snow in Condoland / Chase Twichell -- Poets in late winter / Mona Van Duyn -- Abba Jacob and St. Francis ; Dusting / Marilyn Nelson Waniek -- The cormorant ; Man, that is born of woman ; Song / Rosanna Warren -- A wall in the woods: Cummington / Richard Wilbur -- The self-defense of peaches ; A little blessing ; In praise of the puffball ; The wisdom of the geese / Nancy Willard -- Reading Lao Tzu again in the new year ; Looking outside the cabin window, I remember a line by Li Po l Winter-worship ; Mondo henbane / Charles Wright -- Four poems / Gary Young -- Another place ; Crazy with love ; What I know about owls ; The brain of the spider / Paul Zimmer -- Afterword. Taking dominion over the wilderness / Robert Pack.