附註:Ch. 1. Economic Integration. I. South Asia's Economic Performance in International Perspective. II. South Asia and the Global Economy. III. Economic Structure and Integration. IV. Export Performance -- Ch. 2. Financial Integration. I. Financial Integration: Measures, Benefits and Risks. II. Trends in South Asia's Financial Integration. III. Toward Sustained Flows and Enhanced Productivity -- Ch. 3. Regional Integration. I. IntraRegional Trade in South Asia. II. Simulation of the Benefits from Preferential Liberalization -- Ch. 4. The International Economic Environment. I. Global Environment. II. Outlook for South Asia. III. Current Account Vulnerabilities -- Ch. 5. Prospects for South Asian Exports Emphasizing Textiles and Clothing. I. Multi-Fibre Arrangement: Benefits From Abolition. II. Simulations of Export Growth and Changes in Export Structure. III. Welfare Gains from MFA Abolition. IV. Productivity Improvements in the Apparel Sector. V. Impact of Trade Liberalization.
Annex I.I. Trade indicators -- Annex I. II. Adjusting the trade to GDP ratios -- Annex II. I. Private capital flows -- Annex II. II. Evolution of investment and regulatory regimes in South Asia -- Annex II. III. Foreign direct investments in South Asian countries -- Annex III. Intraregional trade -- Annex IV. I. The importance of textile and clothing exports to South Asian countries -- Annex IV. II. The baseline simulations: assumptions and methodology.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 59-62).