附註:Selected papers, rev., of Domitor's four-day Fifth Biennual Conference, hosted by the Motion Picture Division of the Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., during the first week of June 1998.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Early phonograph culture and moving pictures / Ian Christie -- Doing for the eye what the phonograph does for the ear / Tom Gunning -- Remarks on writing and technologies of sound in early cinema / Mats Björkin -- "Next slide please" : the Lantern Lecture in Britain, 1890-1910 / Richard Crangle -- The voices of silence / François Jost -- The event and the series : the decline of café-concerts, the failure of Gaumont's chronophone, and the birth of cinema as an art / Edouard Arnoldy -- Dialogues in early silent screenplays : what actors really said / Isabelle Raynauld -- The first transi-sounds of parallel editing / Bernard Perron -- Sound, the jump cut, and "trickality" in early Danish comedies / John Fullerton -- Setting the pace of a heartbeat : the use of sound elements in European melodramas before 1915 / Dominique Nasta -- Talking movie or silent theater? Creative experiments by Vasily Goncharov / Rashit M. Yangirov -- Sleighbells and moving pictures : on the trail of D.W. Robertson / Gregory Waller -- The story of Percy Peashaker : debates about sound effects in the early cinema / Stephen Bottomore -- That most American of attractions, the illustrated song / Richard Abel -- "The sensational acme of realism" : "talker" pictures as early cinema sound practice / Jeffrey Klenotic -- "Bells and whistles" : the sound of meaning in train travel film rides / Lauren Rabinovitz -- The noises of spectators, or the spectator as additive to the spectacle / Jean Châteauvert and André Gaudreault -- Early cinematographic spectacles : the role of sound accompaniment in the reception of moving images / Jacques Polet -- Sounding Canadian : early sound practices and nationalism in Toronto-based exhibition / Marta Braun and Charlie Keil -- The double silence of the "war to end all wars" / Germain Lacasse -- Domitor witnesses the first complete public presentation of the [Dickson experimental sound film] in the twentieth century / Patrick Loughney -- A "secondary actio
摘要:This is the first book devoted exclusively to a little-known phenomenon: the ubiquitous presence of sound in early cinema. 'Silent cinema' may rarely have been silent, but the sheer diversity of sounds characterizing the early moving pictures can still astonish us, from barkers and ballyhoos, to pianists and orchestras. These essays cover a broad range of subjects, including sound practices in production, sound-related exhibition practices, film music, and the politics of film reception.