附註:Translated from Russian.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 129-140) and index.
Contents -- Preface -- Introduction: The New Big Brother -- 1 The State and Globalization -- Democracy and the Market -- The Logic of Globalizaton -- The 'Impotence of the State' -- The Weakness of Globalized Capitalism -- Neo- liberal Hegemony vs. Democracy -- 'Objective Limitations' -- Citizenship in Decline -- Soldiers and Citizens -- Towards the New State -- 2 Is Nationalization Dead? -- 'Socialized' Private Property?? -- Self-management Alternative -- Collective Property -- The Mobilization Model
The Myth of 'Inefficient State Enterprise' Public Sector 'Success Stories' -- Privatized 'Potemkin Villages' -- What can Nationalization Achieve? -- Transforming the State -- New Approach to Property -- 3 Nations and Nationalism -- 'Natural' Nations? -- Self-determination -- 'Imperial' and 'Non-historic' Peoples in Eastern Europe -- 'National Question' or the Problem of Democracy? -- Returning to the Old Debates -- National Liberation and Capitalism -- Bombs and Multiculturalism -- The Balkans War -- Class or Community?
Internationalism 4 The Third World Labyrinth: Is a Democratic Model Possible? -- Socialism and Modernization -- Parliamentarism and Authoritarianism -- Capitalist Rationality -- Beyond 'Models' -- Conclusion -- Notes -- Introduction: The New Big Brother -- 1 The State and Globalization -- 2 Is Nationalization Dead? -- 3 Nations and Nationalism -- 4 The Third World Labyrinth: Is a Democratic Model Possible? -- Index -- Abraham, R. 88 -- Afghanistan 97 -- African National Congress 122 -- Alapuro, Risto 85 -- Alatalu, Toomas 107
Albanians 102-3 -- 105 -- Algeria 109 -- Alsace-Lorraine 83 -- Altvater, Elmar 24 -- Amin, Samir -- 22 -- 116 -- Anderson, Benedict 74 -- Anderson, Perry -- 40 -- 42 -- Angola 109 -- Anresson, Jan Otto 21 -- anti-imperialism 95-8 -- APRANET 65 -- Arabs -- 79-80 -- 95-6 -- Arizmendiarrieta, Jose Maria 45 -- Armenia 87 -- Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict 82 -- Armenians -- 93 -- 94 -- armies -- 34 -- 35-6 -- arms exports 41 -- asbestos 41 -- atomic energy 41 -- atomic weapons 41 -- Austria 65
Austro-Hungary, collapse of [1918] 81Austro-Marxists -- 87 -- 95 -- authoritarianism 118-20 -- autonomy, cultural-national -- 80 -- 86-7 -- 92 -- AZLK 59 -- Balkans War [1999] -- 80 -- 102-5 -- Ballaev, Andrey -- 7 -- 9 -- Baltic republics 91 -- Baltic Times 91-2 -- Baran, Nicholas -- 66 -- 72 -- Basaev, Shamil 93 -- Bauer, G. 89 -- Belarus -- 16 -- 84 -- 89 -- Belotserkovsky, Vadim 49-50 -- Benn, Tony -- 103 -- 104 -- Big Brother -- 1 -- 2 -- 5 -- 6