附註:Based on the author's thesis.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Part I. The portfolio and academic discourse: formation and crisis : Discourse, mass architecture, and the academic profession : The discursive formation of mass architecture and the academic profession ; The portfolio and the architectural journal -- The portfolio and the academic discipline : Seeing, reading, and drawing: the discursive practice of the portfolio ; Composition and the paradox of academic theory ; Planning and the "theory of the plan" -- The crisis of the academic profession : The architectural profession in the 1910s: crisis and response ; Business, efficiency, and functional planning -- Part II. The search for a new discipline : The fragmentation of the academic discipline : The changing ideas of composition and the demise of the analytique ; Form versus function: the debate of the 1920s -- Frederick Ackerman, Lewis Mumford, and the predicament of form : Frederick Ackerman and the logic of regressive rationality ; Lewis Mumford and the search for authentic form -- The cognitive project of the architectural journals : The consumerist project of American architect ; The cognitive project of Architectural record -- Part III. The discourse of the diagram : Scientific management and the discourse of the diagram : Scientific management and the birth of the functional diagram ; From scientific management to architecture: the discursive formation of the architectural diagram -- New Genres and new formation s : Architectural graphic standards and the modern reference manual ; The reconfiguration of the architectural journal -- The dislocation of the architectural diagram : The diagram as plan, the plan as diagram ; The displacements of photographic discourse -- Epilogue: the instrument of modern architecture.