附註:Translation of the author's: Brein-bevingen.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 275-287) and indexes.
Introduction: A New Vision -- Mind Quakes -- Public Opinion as a Complex Adaptive System (CAS) : Case Number One: The True Colors of Benetton ; The Phenomenon of Public Opinion ; The Metaprinciple of Complex Mutation -- Continuous Mutation of Informal Messages : Case Number Two: The Happy Disney Family ; The Phenomenon of Hearsay ; The Metaprinciple of Continuous Mutation -- Circular Reaction in Media Hypes : Case Number Three: The Hunger for News ; The Phenomenon of Media Hypes ; The Metaprinciple of Circular Reaction -- The Formation of Synergy in Crowds : Case Number Four: The Moruroa Explosion ; The Phenomenon of Psychological Crowds ; The Metaprinciple of Synergy Formation -- The Emergence of Patterns in Opinion Currents : Case Number Five: Hunting the Hunters ; The Phenomenon of Opinion Currents ; The Metaprinciple of Emerging Patterns -- The Self-Organization of Social Movements : Case Number Six: Greenpeace Makes a Wave ; The Phenomenon of Social Movements ; The Metaprinciple of Emerging Patterns -- Shifting Public Moods -- The Evolving Context of Fashion and Fads : Case Number Seven: Pog-O-Mania ; The Phenomenon of Fashion and Fads ; The Metaprinciple of Evolving Contexts -- Critical Thresholds in Fear and Panic : Case Number Eight: The Mad Cow Madness ; The Phenomenon of Fear and Panic ; The Metaprinciple of Critical Thresholds -- Possible Attractors in Outrage and Protest : Case Number Nine: The Dumping of Shell ; The Phenomenon of Outrage and Protest ; The Metaprinciple of Possible Attractors -- Conclusions -- Phase Transitions in Crazes and Crashes : Case Number Ten: The Asian Meltdown ; The Phenomenon of Crazes and Crashes ; The Metaprinciple of Phase Transitions -- Prediction, Planning, and Fundamental Uncertainty : Case Number Eleven: The Chernobyl Fallout ; The Phenomenon of Forecasting ; The Metaprinciple of Fundamental Uncertainty -- Epilogue: Issues Management?
摘要:Demonstrates the relevance of chaos and complexity theory to communications. The "dynamics" of the title reflect the way collective behaviour is influenced by these theories. The book contains a number of international examples of collective behaviour phenomena.