附註:Includes bibliographical references (pages 292-310) and index.
System: Road and Road User -- 1. Psychology and the highway engineer / Jorge A. Santos / Ray Fuller -- 2. Multiple perspectives / Oliver Carsten -- 3. Ergonomics of driver's interface with the road environment: the contribution of psychological research / Farida Saad -- 4. Learning and the road user / Ray Fuller -- 5. study of subjective road categorization and driving behaviour / Mona Claessens / Wiel Janssen / Nico Kaptein -- Driver from a Psychological Perspective -- 6. Human factors and driving / Ray Fuller -- 7. Visual factors in driving / Daniel R. Mestre -- 8. Perception of road users' motion / Jorge A. Santos / Catherine Berthelon / Daniel R. Mestre -- 9. Sampling information from the road environment / Jan Theeuwes -- 10. Some insights on how to work with human error in traffic behaviour / Beatriz Martin-del-Rio / Enrique J. Carbonell -- 11. Mental workload / Dick de Waard -- 12. Learning and driving: an incomplete but continuing story / John A. Groeger -- 13. Behavioural adaptation and drivers' task control / Heikki Summala -- 14. Social psychological principles: 'the group inside the person' / Mick O'Connell -- Special Categories of Road User -- 15. Young pedestrians and young cyclists / Hugo H. van der Molen -- 16. psychology of the young driver / Ray Fuller -- 17. Road users who are elderly: drivers and pedestrians / Claude Marin-Lamellet / Anabela Simoes -- Advanced Transport Technology -- 18. note on advanced transport technology / Ray Fuller / Jorge A. Santos.