附註:Includes bibliographical references and index.
Foreword by Peter Irvine, Director of Unique Events, Edinburgh: Festivals, events and the cultural experience: Arts, leisure & cultural concepts (Ali-Knight, Robertson); An overview of events management (Jones, Morgan, Salem); Festivals, events & the destination (Derret) -- Managing the arts, culture and leisure experience: Event design and management (James and Brown); Visitor management for festival and events (Yeoman, Robertson, McMahon-Beattie); Service quality and managing your people (Drummond and Anderson); The implications and process of using IT within events organisations (Knox) -Marketing, revenue and retail operations: Events and detination dynamic (Robertson, Wardrop); Marketing information for the events industry (Wood); Merchandising and Retail (Doyle); Festival and events catering operations (Fields, Stansbie); Principles and applications in ticketing and reservations management (Beaven, Laws)- Policies and strategies of art and leisure event management; Politics, public policy and the destination (Hall, Rusher); Events management in the context of New Zealand's art, leisure and cultural sectors (Harrison, McDonald); The economics and evaluation of festival and events (Carlsen); A strategic approach for the use of sponsorship in the events industry (Masterman); The behavioural aspects of financial management (Raj); Risk and decision making in event management (Laybourn) -- Case studies and contemporary issues of arts and leisure festivals and events: Social and environmental impacts -- attitudes of visitors and residents to the impacts of the 2001 Sidmouth International Festival (Mason, Beaumont-Kerridge); Wine tourism events (Novelli); Edinburgh's winter festivals (Wardrop, Robertson); Sponsorship, funding and strategic function -- Carling festival and V-festival (Raj, Walters); The Anglesey Sea symposium (Matthews); A critical examination of Sydney's 2000 Olympic Games (Waitt); Index.
摘要:Festival and Events Management: an international perspective is a unique text looking at the central role of events management in the cultural, tourism and arts industries. With international contributions from industry and academia, the text looks at the following: * Events & cultural environments * Managing the arts & leisure experience * Marketing, policies and strategies of art and leisure management Chapters include exercises, and additional teaching materials and solutions to questions are provided as part of an accompanying online resource. * Provides practical applications, models and illustrations of the event management operation from a variety of international perspectives * Demonstrates how to manage and market the arts and leisure experience * International case studies from Europe, New Zealand, Australia and USA.