附註:Included bibliographical references.
Introduction. History of the Committee on Food Habits -- The problem of changing food habits.
Demonstration and research conducted under committee auspices. Forces behind food habits and methods of change -- Adjustment to dietary changes in various somatic disorders -- A study of the use of the friendship pattern in nutrition education -- A study of the effect of odd-shifts upon the food habits of war workers -- A summary of an exploratory study in federal employee turnover in Washington with special attention to living habits -- Qualitative attitude analysis : a technique for the study of verbal behavior -- Summary of methods of a field work class cooperating with the Committee on Food Habits -- Food habits of selected subcultures in the United States -- Tests of acceptability of emergency rations -- A summary of a study of some personality factors in block.
Related research. Outline of studies on food habits in the rural southeast -- Social process and dietary change.
Summaries of committee conferences. Research in the field of food habits, May 23-24, 1941 -- Contributions from the field of market research, June 27, 1941 -- Contributions from the field of child development, June 28, 1941 -- The wartime roles of the nutritionist : supplementing the role of the nutritionist at the household level, April 26, 1942 and June 16, 1942 -- Local food sufficiency, September 26, 1942 and November 21, 1942 -- Rationing and morale, November 21, 1942 -- Feeding liberated countries and nutrition education, January 23, 1943 -- Problems of food supply, food habits, and nutrition in China, February 11, 1943 -- Impact of the war on local food habits, March 27, 1943 -- Special social surveys in Great Britain, April 15, 1943 -- Publications of Committee on Food Habits.