摘要:Say It with Charts has helped thousands of professionals create compelling, interesting presentations for any business need. Now in its fourth edition, this classic hands-on reference has sold more than 100,000 copies, with revenues topping more than USD1.5 million. Play It with Charts helps business professionals make even more of their visual communications skills and tools. Part refresher course, part step-by-step guidelines, part self-test, this hands-on workbook helps professionals of every level improve their visual communications skills.; Already popular with colleagues at McKinsey & Co. in a prototype version, The Workbook will help readers improve their abilitiy to design charts and graphs that really work. Full of step-by-step guidelines, suggestions for improvement, and tips on customizing graphics to specific audiences, this practical guide helps readers avoid the temptation of using blah-blah-blah exhibits and basic clip art in routine PowerPoint shows. Readers will be given a chance to study exhibits, sketch their own suggested improvements, and compare their work to Gene Zelazny's. Zelany, Director of Visual Communications at McKinsey, has more than 40 years' experience designing successful reports and presentations. Play It with Charts allows anyone to work one-on-one with Gene in this workbook format, improving on and designing new graphics that will enliven any presentation.