附註:Includes bibliographical references (pages 525-533) and index.
Foreword; Preface; Acknowledgements; 1. Early History; 2. The Path to Knowledge (History of Particle Physics); 3. Quarks and Leptons; 4. Forces: What Holds It All Together; 5. Hunting for the Higgs; 6. Accelerators and Detectors: Tools of the Trade; 7. Near Term Mysteries; 8. Exotic Physics (The Next Frontier); 9. Recreating the Universe 10,000,000 Times a Second; 10. Epilogue: Why Do We Do It?; Appendix A: Greek Symbols; Appendix B: Scientific Jargon; Appendix C: Particle-Naming Rules; Appendix D: Essential Relativity and Quantum Mechanics; Appendix E: Higgs Boson Production.
摘要:The Big Bang, the birth of the universe, was a singular event. All ofthe matter of the universe was concentrated at a single point, withtemperatures so high that even the familiar protons and neutrons ofatoms did not yet exist, but rather were replaced by a swirlingmaelstrom of energy, matter and antimatter. Exotic quarks and leptonsflickered briefly into existence, before merging back into the energysea.