附註:Includes bibliographical references and index.
Front Cover -- Fundamentals of Air Pollution -- Copyright Page -- Table of Contents -- PREFACE -- Part I: The Elements of Air Pollution -- Chapter 1 The History of Air Pollution -- I. Before the Industrial Revolution -- II. The Industrial Revolution -- III. The Twentieth Century -- IV. The 1980s -- V. The 1990s -- VI. The Future -- References -- Suggested Reading -- Questions -- Chapter 2. The Natural versus Polluted Atmosphere -- I. The Atmosphere -- II. Unpolluted Air -- III. Particulate Matter -- IV. Concepts -- References
Suggested ReadingQuestions -- Chapter 3. Scales of the Air Pollution Problem -- I. Local -- II. Urban -- III. Regional -- IV. Continental -- V. Global -- Suggested Reading -- Questions -- Chapter 4. Air Quality -- I. Averaging Time -- II. Cycles -- III. Primary and Secondary Pollutants -- IV. Measurement Systems -- V. Air Quality Levels -- Reference -- Suggested Reading -- Questions -- Chapter 5. The Philosophy of Air Pollution Control -- I. Strategy and Tactics�The Air Pollution System -- II. Episode Control
III. Air Quality Management Control StrategyIV. Alternative Control Strategies -- V. Economic Considerations -- Reference -- Suggested Reading -- Questions -- Chapter 6. Sources of Air Pollution -- I. General -- II. Combustion -- III. Stationary Sources -- IV. Mobile Sources -- V. Emission Inventory -- References -- Suggested Reading -- Questions -- Part II: The Effects of Air Pollution -- Chapter 7. Effects on Human Health and Welfare -- I. Air-Water-Soil Interactions -- II. Total Body Burden -- III. The Human Respiratory System
IV. Impact of Air Pollution on HumansV. Impact of Odor on Humans -- References -- Suggested Reading -- Questions -- Chapter 8. Effects on Vegetation and Animals -- I. Injury versus Damage -- II. Effects on Vegetation and Crops -- III. Effects on Forests -- IV. Effects on Animals -- References -- Suggested Reading -- Questions -- Chapter 9. Effects on Materials and Structures -- I. Effects on Metals -- II. Effects on Stone -- III. Effects on Fabrics and Dyes -- IV. Effects on Leather, Paper, Paint, and Glass -- V. Effects on Rubber -- References
Suggested ReadingQuestions -- Chapter 10. Effects on the Atmosphere, Soil, and Water Bodies -- I. The Physics of Visibility -- II. Formation of Atmospheric Haze -- III. Effects of Atmospheric Haze -- IV. Visibility -- V. Acidic Deposition -- VI. Effects of Acidic Deposition -- References -- Suggested Reading -- Questions -- Chapter 11. Long-Term Effects on the Planet -- I. Global Warming -- II. Ozone Holes -- References -- Suggested Reading -- Questions -- Part III: Measurement and Monitoring of Air Pollution -- Chapter 12. Atmospheric Chemistry
摘要:This new edition of the premier air pollution textbook is completely updated and revised to include all components of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments. Fundamentals of Air Pollution, Third Edition covers the spectrum of topics pertinent to the study of air pollution: elements, sources, effects, measurement, monitoring, meteorology, and regulatory and engineering control. In addition, the textbook features new chapters on atmospheric emissions from hazardous waste sites, air pathways from hazardous waste sites, and the long-term effects of air pollution on the earth. It also presents updated i.