附註:Includes bibliographical references.
EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD; Abstracts and keywords; Introduction Company training and services with a focus on low skills; Company training and low-skill consumer-service jobs in Ireland; Why do business service firms employ fewer apprentices?; The role of training in changing an economy specialising in tourism; Training, task flexibility and the employability of low-skilled workers; Training and industrial restructuring; Labour market effects of apprenticeship training in Austria; Human capital spillovers in the workplace: evidence for the service sector in Britain.
摘要:This special issue of the International Journal of Manpower aims to make a contribution to broadening our limited understanding of the role and impact of employer-provided training for low-skilled service sector workers. It brings together seven of the papers that were presented at the international conference "Adapting Education and Training for the Enhancement of Low-Skilled Jobs" held at Helsinki in May 2002. The papers are situated at the crossroads where three different strands of research and policymaking meet: the training of the low skilled, the system of vocational training and the ro.