附註:Includes bibliographical references.
Abstracts & keywords; Editorial; The art of the possible: relationship management in power regimes and supply chains; Managing appropriately in power regimes: relationship and performance management in 12 supply chain cases; Managing appropriately in construction power regimes: understanding the impact of regularity in the project environment; Player power: capturing value in the English football supply network; Opportunity and constraint in business-to-business relationships: insights from strategic choice and zones of manoeuvre.
摘要:This paper outlines the general theoretical approach adopted in the power regime perspective on sourcing and relationship management. The paper focuses on the art of the possible. This means that managers have to develop sourcing relationships that are appropriate given the circumstances in which they find themselves. To understand appropriateness it is argued that buyers and suppliers must understand the five sourcing choices available and the power circumstances that exist between them in supply chain networks. Only by understanding the power regime that exists can buyers and suppliers fully.