附註:01, 霸王卸甲 = Overlord Lay Down his Shell (10:10) -- 02, 春江花月夜 = Flute and Drum at Sunset (9:55) -- 03, 大浪淘沙 = The Great Waves (5:18) -- 04, 飛花點翠 = Flying Drop Green (5:10) -- 05, 寒鴉戲水 = Cold Crow Swinmming (5:31) -- 06, 十面埋伏 = Ambush on all sides (7:16) -- 07, 陽春白雪 = White Snow in Spring (3:12) -- 08, 長門怨 = Complaim at the long gateway (6:42) -- 09, 塞上曲 = Pipa Concert Beyond the Fronter (5:48) -- 10, 金蛇狂舞 = The Crazy Dancing Golden Snake (2:11)