点 :田軍琵琶獨奏專輯 = Point : pipa solo special collection of Tianjun

  • 作者: 田軍.
  • 出版: 北京市 : 中國文聯音像出版社 [2004].
  • 稽核項: 1 張雷射唱片 :數位, 立體聲 ;4 3/4 吋 + 1 張說明
  • ISBN: 7880771034 , 9787880771039
  • 附註: 1, 點 = Point (7:35) -- 2, 春雨 = Spring Rain (6:45) -- 3, 遠方的客人請你留下來 = Please Stay, Guest from Distant place (琵琶二重奏) (3:18) -- 4, 天鵝 = Goose (10:08) -- 5, 旱天雷 = Thunder in the Dry Weather (2:20) -- 6, 拉薩的春天 = Spring in Lasa (4:05) -- 7, 春蠶 = Silkworms in Spring (9:26) -- 8, 霸王卸甲 = The Conqueror Taking Off his Armour (琵琶與打擊樂) (9:20) 附贈:邊疆的泉水清又純 = Spring Water of the Border Area (2:28) -- 我愛你, 塞北的雪 = I love you , Snow in the North of the Froniter Fortress -- 誰不說俺家鄉好 = Everyone Says My Hometown is Grmour
  • 系統號: 005329219
  • 資料類型: 視聽(聲音)
  • 讀者標籤: 需登入
  • 引用網址: 複製連結