附註:1, 塞上曲(琵琶) = Music of the Frontier (9:02) -- 2, 平沙落雁(古琴) = Wild Geese Descending on the Sandbank (3:58) -- 3, 十面埋伏(琵琶) = Ambush, From all Sides (9:58) -- 4, 長門怨(古琴) = Lament at changmen (4:47) -- 5, 醉漁唱晚(古琴) = Evening Song of the Drunken Fishermen (4:03) -- 6, 梅花三弄(古琴) = Three Variants of Plum Bloosom (7:34) -- 7, 普庵咒(古琴) = Pu Nunnery's in Cantation (6:06) -- 8,陽春白雪(琵琶) = With Snow in Sunny Spring (3:51) -- 9, 月夜(二胡) = Moonlit Night (6:12)