資料來源: Google Book

胡士托風波 =Taking Woodstock : a true story of a riot, a concert, and a life

Presents the author's life in the 1960s as a gay, New York interior designer and owner with his parents of an upstate hotel, describing how by living in two worlds he was able to help a concert promoter rent Max Yasgur's farm for the original Woodstock concert in 1969.
來源: Google Book
在(New School University)與亨特學院(Hunter College)教喜劇寫作與表演課程,曾為劇場、電視、電影創作、製作了多齣戲劇、音樂喜劇,廣獲肯定。第一本小說《大街》(Rue Haute),先後在歐洲、美國出版。 湯姆‧蒙特 Tom Monte寫過超過三十本書,並為包括《生活》(Life)、《週六晚間郵報》(The Saturday Evening Post)、《芝加哥論壇報》(Chicago Tribune)撰稿,包括以紐約愛滋病危機為題的〈希望之路〉。
來源: iRead