資料來源: Google Book

勞動待遇與代價[電子資源] :從性別觀點分析台灣醫護工作

醫院是治病、救人的地方,也是一個工作場所。如同其他在工廠、辦公室或商店的勞工階級,醫師與護理人員的勞動狀態及待遇受到制度、組織和工作特徵的影響。本書採取性別觀點,強調從女性處境看待勞動的成果,連結再生產與生產勞動,藉由量化分析方式探討經濟、家庭與個人層面的勞動結果,以及其中的職業與性別差異。透過對於三間醫院超過四千位護理人員與醫師的問卷調查結果的分析,書中呈現女性醫護人員高度的工作與家庭衝突和不良的健康狀態;護理人員勞動過程中需要具備的工作特質對實質報酬幾乎沒有效益;男醫師可以專注於市場勞動,因為再生產勞動對他們來說是助力而非阻力,但對女性醫護人員而言,卻是事業發展的絆腳石。 Hospital is not just a place of curing patients and saving lives but a worksite employing many medical workers, as in factories or stores. Their salaries as well as sacrifices for the work done are affected by institutional, organizational and job factors. Based on a gender perspective, the book analyzed results of questionnaire survey to over 4,000 nurses and doctors at three hospitals in Taiwan. It is found that nurses are more likely felt conflicts between job and family and reported worse health conditions than doctors, but obtained lower returns from work experiences. Skills and labor inputs characterized by the female-dominant jobs benefit little on the economic returns for nurses. While reproduction labor creates wage premiums for married male doctors, it constitutes obstacles of career prospects for both nurses and female doctors.
來源: Google Book