資料來源: Google Book

電影配樂大師顏尼歐 :音樂、電影、人生! 世界級大師最後口述自傳, 珍貴樂譜手稿、創作心法與歷程 = Inseguendo quel suono : la mia musica, la mia vita

This book is the result of many years of conversation between Ennio Morricone and the young composer Alessandro De Rosa. It is a dense and profound conversation, yet clear and precise, about life, music, and the marvelous and unpredictable ways in which life and music touch and affect each other. The book presents the maestro's lifelong musical philosophy and is also a profoundly autobiographical biographical review. Giannino details his journey: the years spent studying at the Conservatory and working with various directors, from Leoni to Pasolini to Bertolucci and Tornadore, from Di Palma to Almodóvar to Tarantino ......
來源: Google Book