Eduardo Volterio Lietuvoje įrašyti voleliai (1908-1909), saugomi Berlyno fonogramų archiyve =Eduard Wolter's cylinders recorded in Lithuania (1908-1909), held in the Berlin Phonogramm-Archiv.
附註:Title from disc label.
Folk songs and music.
CD issued in pocket, bound in book.
"Ethnologisches Museum, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin"--Book cover.
Book, edited by Austė Nakienė, Rūta Žarskienė, and Susanne Ziegler, contains historical notes in Lithuanian and English, bibliography, and transcriptions of songs.
Plaukė žąselė per Nemunėli̜ = A gosling swam across the Nemumelis River (children's song) (girls' choir) -- Žalias žolyneli, žalias diemedeli = Green herb, little green southernwood (harvest song) (Agota Voldemarienė) -- Teka upełė, dobile = A rivulet flows, dobile (partsong) (Paulina Ramelytė) -- Raškiau gražų abuołėlį = I picked a lovely apple (literary song) (Liucija Voldemaraitė) -- Kaip aš ejau per žalių girałi̜ = As I walked through the green woods (wedding song) (Paulina Ramelytė) -- Dainos melodija = The melody of the song (bagpipe) (Juozas Voldemaras) -- Turejo bobułė pilkų ožėlį = The old woman had a grey goat (children's song) (Agota Voldemarienė) -- Kukavo gegułė = The cuckoo called (bagpipe, fiddle) ; Senovinė polka = Old polka (bagpipe, fiddle) (Juozas Voldemaras, Feliksas Krasauskas) --
Debeseli, pro šolį, pro šolį = Little cloud, away away (shepherd's song) ; Kode mani ažu guda nudave? = Why did they marry me off to a Belorusian? (humorous song) (Agota Voldemarienė) -- Brolali brolali, negerai darai = Brother, brother, you do wrong (bagpipe) (Juozas Voldemaras) -- Sakale paukšteli, dai aukštai skraidzioji = Falcon, little bird, you are flying high in the sky (bagpipe, fiddle) (Juozas Voldemaras, Feliksas Krasauskas) -- Žalios gražios ųžuola šakełės = The green beautiful oak branches (wedding song) (singers from Dysna) -- Šėriau žirgelį per du meteliu = I fed the young steed for two years (wedding song) (Agota Raškevičienė) -- Ant tėvelio dvaro bijūno krūmelis = A small peony bush on father's manor (wedding song) ; Oi, berneli dobilėli, kur buvai? = Oh, dear boy, where were you? (youth song) (singers from Šilavotas) --
Tutučio tunčius trijuose = Dance of the hoopoe for a threesome (skudučiai) ; Tutučio tunčius keturiuose = Dance of the hoopoe for a foursome (skudučiai) ; Bevardis dviejuose = Untitled for a twosome (skudučiai) ; Perlutis dviejuose ; Pearl for a twosome (skudučiai) ; Tė-tė trijuose = Tė-tė in a threesome (skudučiai) ; Bitytė sadi, sadauja ; Little bee in the orchard, sadauja (skudučiai) (players from Južintai) -- Kad aš žinocia, kur tėvulis duotų = If I knew to whom father will give me (wedding song) ; Jojau per girių, per ųžuolynų = I rode through the woods, through the oak grove (military song) ; Ažuminsim mes mįslałį, svociute = Matron of honor, let's pose a riddle (wedding song) (singers from Adutiškis) -- Ųžuolas su liepełi abudu žali gražūs = The oak and the linden are both green and beautiful (harvest song) (singers from Subartonys) --
Atjoc berneliu, atjoc raiteliu an juodbėro žirgelio = The dear boy will ride mounted on a dark bay steed (wedding song) ; Pasakykie, motinėla, kai(p) vilioti artojėlis ; Tell me, mama, how to woo the ploughman (love song) (singers from Perloja) -- Plaukiau per marias, per dunojėlį = I swam across the sea, across the deep waters (wedding song) ; Šių tamsių naktełį tolimas kelalis ; The road is long on this dark night (wedding song) (singers from Merkine) -- Bėkit, bareliai, galana valako = Run, rows of grain, to the end of the field (harvest song) ; Aš užsikelsiu rytoj anksti rytelį = I will awake tomorrow early in the morning (wedding song) (singers from Subartonys) -- Šių naktełį per naktełį aš miegelio nemiegojau = Tonight, through the night, I didn't sleep (wedding song) (singers from Merkinė) -- Oi, aš pjaunu pjovėjėlė = Oh, I scythe on the high hill (harvest song) (singers from Gudakiemis) --
Par tėvelį augau, vargelia nemačiau = I grew up in my father's house and knew no hardship (war song) (Mečislovas Stankevičius) -- Motula mano, širdela mano = My mother, my dear heart (wedding song) (Marė Sabaliauskienė) -- Oi, seniaik seniaik momuteip buvau = Oh, so long so long since I've been to mama's (wedding song) ; Salavjukas macitkas, alas(i)ukas plonitkas = Small nightingale, fine voice (family song) ; Nuvej senis mergužėleip ; The old man approached the girl (family song) (Marijona Kaškienė) -- Oi tu motinyte mana miela = Oh mother my dear (lament) (Ona Dubinskaitė) -- Matinyte mana miela = Mother my dear (lament) (Emilija Lingytė) -- Kad merga sektų paskui = So a girl would follow (spell) (Kazimieras Būga) -- Verkavimas sūnaus, kurį išleis vaiskan = Keening for a son, who has to join the army (lament) (Rozalija Spečiuvienė).