傳唱賽夏之歌 =Kis no saysiyat

  • 作者: 臺灣音樂館
  • 其他作者: 國立傳統藝術中心.
  • 出版:
  • 版本: 初版
  • 稽核項: 1張數位影音光碟(約 分) :有聲, 彩色 ;4 3/4吋 + 1張雷射唱片 + 1冊手冊(42面 ; 19公分)
  • 叢書名: 世代之聲. 臺灣族群音樂紀實系列 =Sounds from across generations. the series of authentic ethnic music in Taiwan ;5. , 世代之聲. 2018臺灣族群音樂紀實系列
  • 標題: 臺灣原住民族. , 歌謠. , 原住民族音樂. , 賽夏族.
  • 附註: 盒內附作品.樂曲.中文介紹 1, Tolosiwa:en = 離別之歌 = Song of goodbye -- 2, 'Omalep = 打獵歌 = Hunting song -- 3, Kisbaaw = 問候長輩 = Giving regards to the elders -- 4, Maytata' ki tomnon = 春米和織布 = Rice pounding and cloth weaving -- 5, Ray tamkil = 在懸崖 = By the cliff -- 6, Somepe: = 數數兒 = Counting numbers -- 7, Kishtomokoeh = 播種歌 = Sowing song -- 8, Kislomasez = 除草歌 = Weeding song -- 9, Sasarara' = 戀愛歌 = Love song -- 10, <<賽夏隨想>><以稻米為主題> = "On rice," saysiyat capriccio -- 11, <<賽夏隨想>><矮人的叮嚀> = "Dwarfs," saysiyat capriccio -- 12, Raraol = <<矮靈祭歌>>第一首第二節前五句 = The first song for the patSa'ay, first five sentences of the second section -- 13, Karkaroi' = <<矮靈祭歌>>第二首第一節前四句 = The second song for the paSta'ay, first four sentences of the first section -- 14, KamkamaSiri: = <<矮靈祭歌>>第四首第三節前二句 = The fourth song for the paSta'ay, first two sentences of the third section -- 15, papa'oSa' = <<矮靈祭歌>>第十三首 = The thirteenth song for the paSta'ay -- 16, Binbinlayon = 第三调hawhawi'<<矮靈祭歌>>第八首第三調 = The third tune of the eighth song for the paSta'ay -- 17, KominSibok = <<矮靈祭歌>>伐赤楊木唱的歌 = Song for the paSta'ay, song for Sibok (Alnus japonica) logging -- 18, Binbinlayon = 第一調'a'ayo<<矮靈祭歌>>第八首第一調(歌詞內容經改變) = The first tune of the eighth song for the paSta'ay (adapted lyrics) -- 19, Talosiwa:en = 離別之歌 = Song of goodbye -- 20, Kilwa'is saboeh = 大家加油 = Cheer up, everyone!
  • 系統號: 005336339
  • 資料類型: 圖書
  • 讀者標籤: 需登入
  • 引用網址: 複製連結