資料來源: Google Book

Modern European tragedy :exploring crucial plays

The idea of the tragic has permeated Western culture for millennia, and has been expressed theatrically since the time of the ancient Greeks. However, it was in the Europe of the twentieth century - one of the most violent periods of human history - that the tragic form significantly developed. 'Modern European Tragedy' examines the consciousness of this era, drawing a picture of the development of the tragic through an in-depth analysis of some of the twentieth century's most outstanding texts.
來源: Google Book
  • 《現代歐洲悲劇:重要劇作之探索》 西方文化自千年以來便有悲劇的概念,其源頭可追溯至古希臘的戲劇演出。本書將探討二十世紀(一個人類歷史上最為暴力的時期)如何回應悲劇的根本結構。本書以易卜生、布萊希特和貝克特等諸位劇作家的重要劇作為例,檢視屬於這個時代的精神意識,描繪出二十世紀悲劇的發展脈絡。書中提及的作品包括:《群鬼》、《給瑪麗的消息》(The Tidings Brought to Mary)、《哀悼化為伊烈翠》(Mourning Becomes Electra)、《勇氣媽媽和她的孩子們》、《卡利古拉》、《終局》、《皮拉德斯》(Pylades)、《衛城》(Akropolis)。【103年全球化與劇場跨界專任助理 董家威╱整理】 ( 一月 20, 2015, 9:34 a.m. )