資料來源: Google Book

Cognition in the Globe :attention and memory in Shakespeare's theatre

Early modern playing companies performed up to six different plays a week and mounted new plays frequently. This book seeks to answer a seemingly simple question: how did they do it? Drawing upon work in philosophy and the cognitive sciences, it proposes that the cognitive work of theatre is distributed across body, brain, and world.
來源: Google Book
  • 《環球劇場的認知:莎士比亞劇場的注意力與記憶》 莎士比亞的劇團每週平均有六部不同的劇目上演,他們是如何應付如此繁重與密集的戲劇製作(記下冗長的臺詞和舞臺指示)?本書試圖透過一個動態性的理論架構——散佈式認知(distributed cognition)來回應以上的提問,審視表演藝術的不同層面。其中包括物質性層面的表演空間、文物(臺詞、情節、劇本);劇團的社會架構,如訓練與協調的方法;内在認知機制,如注意力、感知與記憶;演員-觀衆動力等不同面向。本書是第一本以這樣的視角來解讀劇場史與表演研究的相關書籍。【103年全球化與劇場跨界專任助理 董家威╱整理】 ( 一月 20, 2015, 9:30 a.m. )