資料來源: Google Book

Theatre today

  • 作者: Haridy, Michael.
  • 出版: [USA] : Gaze on Publishing 2013.
  • 版本: 1st ed ; 2012-2013 ed.
  • 稽核項: 728 p. :ill. ;23 cm.
  • ISBN: 1482088169 , 9781482088168
  • 附註: Panoramic view of the world theatre. Read and watch what's happening in theatre today with access to more than 2000 videos. 103年科技部補助人文及社會科學研究圖書設備計畫規劃主題:藝術學:全球化與劇場跨界
  • 摘要: Theatre TODAY takes you on a panoramic expedition, a journey covering more than 30 countries worldwide. Read and watch, what’s happening in the theatre today. What under-current movements are seeding the future of theatre in 21 century? How are global communication tools effecting and changing the theatre? What direction is theatre moving toward?
  • 系統號: 005258449
  • 資料類型: 圖書
  • 讀者標籤: 需登入
  • 引用網址: 複製連結
'Theatre TODAY ' takes you on a panoramic expedition, a journey covering more than 30 countries worldwide. Read and watch, what's happening in the theatre today with access to more than 2000 videos. What under-current movements are seeding the future of theatre in 21 century? How are global communication tools effecting and changing the theatre? What direction is theatre moving toward? This book records the works of modern theatre companies and lists the names of its artists for future reference. 'Theatre TODAY' is a communication forum to magnify and tell the story of each creative artist - or group of artists - that contributed, enriched, and expanded our understanding of the theatre worldwide during 2012-2013. It records old movements that are feeding back and contributing to the creation of the theatre of the future, and new movements born out of the technological changes from the last 50 years and the communication tools that wire us today. It proves that the theatre - as as an art - is alive and well, and more than that, is incorporating all the social, economic, and technological changes that are occurring in the world around us. It is a must READ for everyone working or interested in the theatre today because it gives you a comprehensive, panoramic view of what's going on worldwide in the theatre today.
來源: Google Book
  • 直接了當,這就是一本當今世界劇場的速捷指南(2012-2013版),頁數厚(七百多頁)根本不是問題,重點在於它蒐羅了遍及三十餘國的兩百四十二個團體的資料,予以介紹,並均附上聯絡方式,尤其令人興奮的是,每團的資料介紹最後,都會附上好幾個YouTube連結網址,全書合計有超過兩千多部影片的連結,喜歡當代最新潮的劇場表演影像控,應該會對這本書失心瘋才對。 究竟有哪些潛在的劇場運動伏流,正在滋養著二十一世紀劇場的未來樣貌?全球化的科技溝通工具究竟如何影響與改變了劇場?劇場正朝著什麼方向前進?這本速捷指南試圖提供一些案例,各式各樣的現代劇團、作品與(個別或群體)藝術家的名單,以及他們的創作故事,讓人們可以去想像未來劇場的樣子。 這本速捷指南同時也指出舊時的劇場運動如何回饋與貢獻給未來劇場的創造,新穎的劇場運動又如何在過去三十年的科技變革中衍生而出,尤其3C產品對我們當代生活、社會與文化風格的型塑。這幾乎是每一位對當今世界劇場進行式有興趣,或相關的從業者,必讀且必備的一部工具手冊。 值得一提的是,書中的第71頁至73頁,介紹的是北京人民藝術劇院(Beijing People’s Art Theatre),這是書中唯一介紹的華人劇團,除了眾所週知的招牌戲《茶館》、《雷雨》、《日出》、《天下第一樓》之外,當然有提及了那些標誌性的創作者名字:曹禺、老舍、焦菊隱、林兆華、何冀平、郭啟宏、顧威、任鳴、宋丹丹、龔麗君,似乎沒寫到濮存昕。不過等我點進其推薦的連結網址http://youtu.be/9Q87_mrjYKQ之後,才發現他是影片中的某位主要受訪者;更有趣的是,這個由香港電台(RTHK)所製播的短片,主要在介紹北京除了人藝之外,年輕白領現正趨之若騖的是這幾年方興未艾的「減壓喜劇」,從這本書的介紹與劇場趨勢脈動掌握的角度來看,可以視為作者將減壓喜劇視為當前及未來中國劇場的發展走向之一,從我的理解來看,這個脈把得八九不離十,而且看起來短期間之內,應該還不會有什麼太大的變化。 我必須承認我大概只知道書中不到三十個團體,而且多半是1960年代外百老匯及外外百老匯運動中就已經成立的團體,其它非美國的團體則認識的更少,差不多就只有Berliner Ensemble、Comédie-Française、Complicite、DV8 Physical Theatre、Moscow Art Theatre、Odin Teatret、Royal Shakespeare Company、Young Vic等而已,可謂孤陋寡聞,令人汗顏。 當年蔣渭水替台灣島診斷完之後,查出病因是「智識營養不良症」,所開出的處方劑量都是「極量」;我看我對自己的當代世界劇場「智識營養不良症」,可能也要想辦法用類似的處方治療。【于善祿╱整理】 ( 三月 4, 2015, 10:57 a.m. )