資料來源: Google Book

The theatre of Martin Crimp

First published in 2006, Alek's Sierz's The Theatre of Martin Crimp provided a groundbreaking study of one of British theatre's leading contemporary playwrights. Combining Sierz's lucid prose and sharp analysis together with interviews with Martin Crimp and a host of directors and actors who have produced the work, it offered a richly rewarding and engaging assessment of this acutely satirical playwright. The second edition additionally explores the work produced between 2006 and 2013, both the major new plays and the translations and other work. The second edition considers The City, the 2008 companion play to The Country, Play House from 2012 and the new work for the Royal Court in late 2012. The two works that have brought Crimp considerable international acclaim in recent years, the updated rewrite of The Misanthrope which in 2009 played for several months in the West End starring Keira Knightley, and Crimp's translation of Botho Strauss's Big and Small (Barbican, 2012), together with Crimp's other work in translation are all covered. The Theatre of Martin Crimp remains the fullest, most readable account of Crimps's work for the stage.
來源: Google Book
  • 作者Aleks Sierz對於一九九零年代以降的英國當代戲劇瞭若指掌,尤其專研「直面戲劇」(in-Yer-Face Theatre),在這方面,臺灣劇場界多半只認識莎拉‧肯恩(Sarah Kane),而這部著作則可以帶領讀者認識另外一位相當重要的直面戲劇作家:馬汀‧昆普(Martin Crimp),他在此間最為人所知的作品,應屬1997年的震世之作:《幹掉她》(Attempts on Her Life),在過去四分之一世紀裡,可說是「新文本」(new writing)的最佳劇作之一。本書作者Aleks Sierz與馬汀‧昆普認識二十年,書中融合了作者的犀利文筆與洞見分析,以及與馬汀‧昆普及相關導演和劇場人的深入訪談,提供豐富的內容讓讀者能進一步認識這位傑出且特立獨行的編劇。這本書是再版,在2006年初版的基礎上,將馬汀‧昆普於2006年之後所創作的新作品多予列入評析,包括The City,Play House,In the Republic of Happiness,Written on Skin,The Misanthrope等,可說是當代理解與掌握馬汀‧昆普的權威之作。 順帶一提,本書歸屬於Bloomsbury Methuen Drama’s Critical Companions書系,由Patrick Lonergan(愛爾蘭大學)和Erin Hurley(加拿大蒙特婁麥基爾大學)擔任聯合主編,該書系主要針對現當代的國際劇場與表演藝術工作者、劇場運動以及斷代史,出版一系列的權威研究論著,每本書都提供批判的資料蒐研、作品的深入分析,並兼顧文本與表演;再者,每本書也會涵蓋若干學者專家的學術論文,以及與劇場實踐者的訪談,以提供同一主題、不同的觀點視角。目前為止,該書系已有針對Martin McDonagh、Samuel Beckett、David Greig、Sean O’Casey、Timberlake Wertenbaker、Martin Crimp的研究論著,即將出版的還包括Tennessee Williams、Harold Pinter。算是對於現當代西洋劇場深入淺出的一套論著,值得有興趣者,一本一本地悉心閱讀。【于善祿╱整理】 ( 一月 19, 2015, 9:19 a.m. )