資料來源: Google Book

執行力的修練 :與成功有約的四個實踐原則

The 4 Disciplines of Execution provides a simple, proven formula for achieving the goals that every individual or organization needs to reach. From Marriott to the U.S. Navy, Covey and his team have worked with more than 200,000 people in hundreds of organizations to improve performance, identifying and honing four secrets of perfect execution: Focus on the Wildly Important; Act on the Lead Measures; Keep a Compelling Scoreboard; and Create a Cadence of Accountability. By allowing teams to separate those urgent tasks that demand attention merely to keep a company alive - called the 'whirlwind' - from new, 'wildly important' goals that promise to break new ground, these disciplines empower leaders to accomplish what is by far the most difficult aspect of creating results: executing a strategy that requires a change in behavior. Simply put, this is a book that no business, however small or large, can afford to pass up.
來源: Google Book
柯維 Sean Covey 富蘭克林柯維顧問公司(FranklinCovey)全球解決方案執行副總,掌管該公司在一百四十一個國家的業務,並身兼該公司的教育業務總監。在擔任首席產品設計師時期,他組織及指導構思和發展「執行力四修練」流程的原始團隊,從此開始熱心倡導與推行這套方法。他也督導公司推出的其他知名解決方案的設計與發展,其中包括暢銷著作《與成功有約》(The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People)。麥切斯尼 Chris McChesney富蘭克林柯維顧問公司的全球執行業務總監,「執行力四修練」流程的主要發展人之一,領導公司持續設計與發展這些原則超過十年,並且為全球各地無數組織提供顧問服務,使它們獲致非凡成果。霍林 Jim Huling富蘭克林柯維顧問公司的常務顧問,經常領導這套方法在大規模組織中的推行工作。霍林曾在企業界擔任領導職務三十多年,包括擔任一家獲評為「二十五家全美最佳就業公司」的執行長。
來源: iRead