附註:Reprinted in Taiwan.
Hawthorne, N. The wives of the dead. Young Goodman Brown -- James, H. My friend Bingham. The beast in the jungle -- Conrad, J. Il Conde. The secret sharer -- Chekhov, A. Misery. The bet -- Joyce, J. The sisters. Araby. The dead -- Kafka, F. A hunger artist. The metamorphosis -- Lawrence, D. H. The thorn in the flesh. Odour of chrysanthemums. Jimmy and the desperate woman -- Porter, K. A. The jilting of Granny Weatherall. The grave -- Fitzgerald, F. S. Babylon revisited -- Faulkner, W. Dry September. Barn burning. An odor of verbena -- Hemingway, E. Big two-hearted river: part I. Big two-hearted river: part II -- Wright, R. The man who was almost a man. The man who lived underground -- Welty, E. Why I live at the P.O. A worn path -- Malamud, B. Angel Levine. Black is my favorite color.--Ellison, R. King of the bingo game. Battle royal -- McCullers, C. The sojourner. The jockey -- Lessing, D. He. To room nineteen -- Vonnegut, K., Jr. Next door. Tom Edison's shaggy dog -- O'Connor, F. Go