資料來源: Google Book

跟TED學表達,讓世界記住你 :用更有說服力的方式行銷你和你的構想

Public speaking coach and bestselling author Gallo has broken down hundreds of TED talks and interviewed the most popular TED (technology, entertainment, design) presenters as well as the top researchers in the fields of psychology, communications, and neuroscience to get their cutting-edge insights and to reveal the nine secrets of all successful TED presentations.
來源: Google Book
卡曼‧蓋洛(Carmine Gallo)知名溝通大師,顧客遍及全世界各大知名品牌。曾接受CNBC、NBC、CBS、Forbes.com、《紐約時報》《華爾街日報》等媒體的專訪。共事對象包括各大企業高層,英特爾、雪佛龍、惠普、可口可樂、輝瑞大藥廠等等。此外,他也在Forbes.com固定撰寫專欄「我的溝通訓練」。著有多本國際暢銷與得獎書,包括2009年出版《大家來看賈伯斯:向蘋果的表演大師學簡報》。他說:向賈伯斯學習,可以學到一位大師的技巧,這本《跟TED學表達,讓世界記住你》(先覺出版)則綜合每一位大師的技巧!
來源: iRead