資料來源: Google Book


A memoir of epic proportion by the acclaimed translator, writer, and professor Qi Bangyuan who took us for a walk in the era where China was literally divided in two. Some plunged into despair, some forged ahead toward modernity, women fought for their rights, and infusion of Western thoughts were all factors that changed lives. In Traditional Chinese. Distributed by Tsai Fong Books, Inc.
來源: Google Book
齊邦媛 一九二四年生,遼寧鐵嶺人。國立武漢大學外文系畢業,一九四七年來台灣。一九六八年美國印第安那大學研究,一九六九年出任中興大學新成立之外文系系主任,一九八八年從台灣大學外文系教授任內退休,受聘為台大榮譽教授。曾任美國聖瑪麗學院、舊金山加州州立大學訪問教授,德國柏林自由大學客座教授。教學、著作,論述嚴謹;編選、翻譯、出版文學評論多種,對引介西方文學到台灣,將台灣代表性文學作品英譯推介至西方世界。
來源: iRead